miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

Definition essay: Friendship

"Friendship is the condition of sharing a friendly relationship". "Friendship is the feeling and the behaviour thet exists between friends". These are incomplete definitions from the vocabulary dictionary. 
Friendship is not just a strong feeling between people but the trust between them, that with just looking at their faces they know `what's up´.
 For us friendship is the strongest feeling between people.Also the trust. Friendship is two people that are always together, that always are fighting and being freinds again. Friendship is love. I have friends that I'll never let them go.Ailin Castro Cendra, for example,  is our best friend. ☺☻☺
 As a conclusion I can se that the dictionary doesn't have a good definition and doesn't have words to explain it.
ʚelu Lombar
ʚelu Ruta

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011


    One day, two years ago, I was walking down the street near the sea in a beautiful place called Chirlotta. It was a very quiet town. It was Sunday and many people were having a rest. The streets were nice cobblestone roads. The town seemed to be empty. Nobody was walking.
    When I arrived at the port, it was the first time I could see somebody. He was a fisherman called Michael. He was sixty years old. He was moving fishes from a net to a big box. I saw that a girl was helping him to do it. She was a very beautiful lady and I was surprised because she was working with fishes in that place. I introduced myself and I asked them their names. His name was Javier and her name was Juliana, she was Javier's daughter. I was disappointed. I was looking for a restaurant to eat but all the places were closed. I asked them about that, but they told me that it was the same every Sunday. Juliana offered me to have lunch with them when they finished their job. I thanked them and I helped them to move the fish.
    While we were cooking, we walked a lot. I explained to them that I was there on vacation because I had had some problems during the last months with my girlfriend and I needed to be relayed. That was the reason why I traveled to Chirlotta. Juliana told me that she had never visited another place. It was very strange for me because I know many countries and cities. Her father, Michael, told me that, to live in that place, was very nice, but he couldn't earn to much money to visit other places. While we went on talking, Juliana started cooking some fish with spaghetti. She was very happy. When we finished eating, I thanked them for the meal and I invited her to go to my town, Davenport, next month.
     I bought one air ticket for her and I left the town two days later. During those two, Juliana made me feel very comfortable and calm. She went with me to visit some beautiful mountains and forests close to town. It was very nice for me.
   The next month, I was waiting for her to visit me. I prepared a special agenda for her. She was very happy because of my hospitality. This  is a beautiful story because we are married now and we are happy to be together. This is real love and I always remember that lovely fish with spaghetti from Chirlotta.

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Petition letter

Dear Local Authorities from Calcutta,
    I am Belén Eliana Lombardero and I am 14 years old. I'm studying at Newlands school.
    Calcutta has a lot of problems. The provision of services is one because the electricity for schools and hospitals are amounts of money to spend on without thinking about the consumption. Another is the physical problems that consist of heavy rainfall. That is brought by tropical storms.
    On September 1st, 2011 I talked about these problems to my partners and they told me that we can reduce the electricity by putting ecological bulbs. The following day we thought that in the streets we can build pipes for the water not to flood.
     It is your obligation to help them.
Thanks for your attention,
Belén Lombardero
Newlands school

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011


 The Common Agricultural Policy or the CAP was set up in 1962 in Europe. The objetive was to benefit the farmers. There are advantages and also disadvantages; which we will talk about in the next two paragraphs.
The advantages are that they don't have to pay for selling their products, they've the opportunity of improving their products without paying. For example a farmer can receive money for fertilizes.
 The disadvantages are that they have a lot of competence of other farmers who have the same opportunities in the market.
 As a result, the CAP helps farmers and  if they have problems, the CAP is not responsible of that fact.

lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

Volumen de los Hielos Continentales

Junto con la profesora de matemática, quisimos averiguar cuanto equivale el volumen del agua que se derrite de los hielos continentales con una pileta de natación de 25m x 10m y promedio de profundidad 2m.
 Para poder calcular esto, la profesora nos dió los siguientes datos:
*Entre 1968 y 1975, la pérdida anual del Glaciar Perito Moreno promedio fue de 13,5km3. Pero entre 1995 y 2000 la pérdida anual promedio subió hasta 38,7km3. Lo siguiente que hicimos fue calcular cuanto se perdió en esos 12 años(1968/1975 y 1995/2000):
años . 13,5 km3: año= 94,5 km3
años . 38,7 km3: año= 193,5 km3 
Ahora sumamos los resultados:
94,5 km3 + 193,5 km3= 288,0 km3< Esta es lo que se perdió en esos 12 años.

Lo que debiamos hacer ahora es sacar volumen de agua de una pileta de natación de 25m . 10m y 2m de profundidad promedio:
25m . 10m . 2m= 500m

Para poder saber el volumen, ahora debemos poner la equivalencia de 288 km3 a m3
288km3= 288000000000m3

 La pérdida promedio de agua del Perito Moreno en esos 12 años equivale a 576000000 piletas de natación de 25m . 10m y 2m de profundidad promedio.

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

The Lake District National Park

    What a wonderful place ! Last month I went to the Lake District National Park. There were lot of people, more than one million people were visting the National Park. It was the best place. The things I like the most were the mountains, valley, lake scenery and its century of human history.
    There is a diversity of landscapes, sandy coast and near rivers, rugged mountains and deep lakes, woodlands and moorland, wildlife and historic remains. Include freshwater habitats, ancient broad-leaved woodland, limestone grassland, heath, artic-alpine communities, heatland, coastal marsh and estuar. Include 101 sites.
    In our point of view the place was beautiful because of the mixture of natural and farmed landscapes that provide a release from the pressures of urban living.
    We recommend going becauise it is the best place where you can make different activites, for  example climbing. Then you can relax.

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011


En esta materia trabajamos sobre las características del agua potable. Trabajamos sobre el agua  de mar y de río. Aprendimos que el agua de río tiene menos contenido de sal que el agua del mar, nos dimos cuenta que el agua de río proviene de lluvias, deshielos y nevadas y que sus componentes dependen de la salinidad y los minerales del suelo ya que el rio arrastra estos minerales.
También aprendimos muchas cosas sobre el agua de mar, por ejemplo que ésta agua es el conjunto de la desembocadura de otros ríos. Está compuesta por cloruro de sodio, de magnesio, sulfato neutro, desodios, cloruro de calcio, de potasio, entre otros.
Otra cosa que trabajamos es la relación entre el agua potable y el agua bebible, y ésta es que "cuando el agua es bebible, quiere decir que es potable."

jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

Nuestros sueños

    El año pasado, estuvimos soñando por un mundo mejor. Gracias a Expedición Bicentenario nuestros sueños, junto a los de millones de más chicos fueron enterrados en distintos puntos de nuestro país. Aprendimos que no se puede amar lo que no se conoce. Es por eso que nos propusimos a aprender sobre los Hielos Continentales, y cómo evitar que se derritan, para que nuestras futuras generaciones lo disfruten.
    Para conocer más sobre la ubicación geográfica y las expediciones, nos visitó Javier Madaraz, uno de los andinistas que ayudo a enterrar nuestros sueños. Éstos fueron enterrados en el Paso del Viento, ubicada en el Chaltén, provincia de Santa Cruz.
    Actualmente, estamos elaborando un video para que conscientice a las personas sobre el derretimiento de los Hielos Continentales.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Description: "The best movie ever"

    You can't go to sleep until you watch, Narnia's movie ! It is the best movie I have seen in my life. You can go to all the cinemas to see it !
    The movie is about four brothers that go to a different place that is magic. The name of that different place is Narnia. Because of that the movie is called like that. This place is magic because are different creatures that for me, never in the life will exist. There were three different chapters of this movie: chapter 1 that is called The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, chapter 2 The Prince Caspian and chapter 3 The Dawn Treader. You can't lose that movie, is the best one in the world ! 

Report on how to recruit young people for the Nazi party

The purpose of this report is to consider the likes and dislikes of teenagers for recruting them to the Nazi Party. I have done research in the most important places where teenagers pass their leisure time and they said the following.
In a percent, 80% of teenagers like music. Also they like adults to hear their opinions so you can open a radio station where teenagers play the music and talk about this party.
Their dislikes are:
  • They don't want to wear special uniforms.
  • They don't want to be used, they want to be useful in everything they want.
So here are some ideas about teenagers' likes and dislikes. I think that all of them might be used because it is a great opportunity for getting people in the party.

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

¡¡Miremos Nuestro Planeta!!

El video “Home “ me resultó muy interesante. Me parece que nos muestra nuestra casa, la Tierra, y los grandes problemas que estamos teniendo para mantenerla, para ayudar a que no la destruyamos, para que tomemos conciencia de que todavía estamos a tiempo de salvarla. Pero todos tenemos que ayudar, juntos, debemos proteger el entorno natural que nos rodea, generar energía a partir de recursos naturales que no contaminen y que no se terminen, de fuentes renovables, como el viento, la luz del sol, el movimento del agua, etc. Los combustibles como el carbón, el petróleo y el gas tienen sus días contados, y su uso ha causado miles de problemas que debemos solucionar, aún estamos a tiempo, podemos actuar y modificar mucho del daño que hemos hecho, también es importante frenar la destrucción. El video es fuerte porque nos muestra cuánto se ha destruido, pero también es alentador porque nos muestra que podemos cambiar el rumbo. Cada especie tiene su lugar, la naturaleza vive equilibrada, sólo el hombre –que es el ser que piensa- la desequilibra. A pesar de todo, el hombre no se ha dado cuenta de que los recursos son escasos, no son ilimitados, en algún momento se terminan.
Hay muchas organizaciones que trabajan para intentar que la gente tome conciencia de la situación y colabore para cambiar el rumbo. El río Jordan está casi seco, en la India hay poco agua potable, la población del mundo aumenta, las lluvias y los temporales son cada día más fuertes en algunos lugares, y hay más sequías en otros. En definitiva, todo pasa por una reflexión para evitar continuar con este proceso y cambiarlo, iniciar otro camino.
A las nuevas generaciones deberiamos enseñarles:

  •         Usar solo el agua indispensable.
  •         No talar árboles en forma indiscriminable.
  •         Usar autos y maquinarias lo menos posible, por ejemplo usando transportes publicos y bicicletas en vez de un auto particular.
  •          Usar energías renovables, por ejemplo solar y eolica.
  •          Que los gobiernos ayuden en la implementación de estos cambios en la utilización de los recursos.
  •          Reciclar todos los materiales que sea posible, por ejemplo, papeles, plásticos, vidrios, metales, etc.
  •          Concientizarlos que gracias a estos cambios se va a poder seguir viviendo en este planeta por muchos años más.

Recomiendo mirar Discovery Channel, por ejemplo “Planeta Humano” y “Planeta Vivo”
Algunos links relacionados:

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011


The place you wanna' go

    How would you feel like living in Río de Janeiro? I would feel well because I like the place and I like the food.
    Río de Janeiro is located in Guanabara Bay in Brazil. These years people have said that Río de Janeiro has these problems: urban growth including traffic, pollution and crime.
    Last summer I went with my best friend to this beautiful city and I'll tell you all details because people said that it is dangerous but if you take care, you could discover this beautiful place. I'm sure you 've heard people talking about fabelas, and you have a bad impression. They are like here in Argentina, we say "villas" but there they are different. In favelas people have a community spirit, a rich street life and plenty of football and samba music.
    So as you can see Río de Janeiro is beautiful; go and visit all the cities.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Los Hielos Continentales

La Expedición Bicentenario se encarga de hacer expediciones, en toda la Argentina. Ésto se hace para recordar el bicentenario de la patria. Cada uno de los alumnos escribió un sueño. Éstos se colocarán dentro de Cajas de metal selladas, y serán entregados a los Jefes de Expedición.
Hasta ahora se han realizado 27 expediciones, pero solo una fue a los Hielos Continentales, la cual fue muy interesante. El agua potable es uno de los elementos naturales de allí.
En 1995, la expedición "Sea, Ice & Mountains recorrió los Hielos Continentales, dirigiéndose hacia el Fiordo Peel, en el Oceano Pacífico.