miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011


The place you wanna' go

    How would you feel like living in Río de Janeiro? I would feel well because I like the place and I like the food.
    Río de Janeiro is located in Guanabara Bay in Brazil. These years people have said that Río de Janeiro has these problems: urban growth including traffic, pollution and crime.
    Last summer I went with my best friend to this beautiful city and I'll tell you all details because people said that it is dangerous but if you take care, you could discover this beautiful place. I'm sure you 've heard people talking about fabelas, and you have a bad impression. They are like here in Argentina, we say "villas" but there they are different. In favelas people have a community spirit, a rich street life and plenty of football and samba music.
    So as you can see Río de Janeiro is beautiful; go and visit all the cities.

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